Congratulations Carissa Moore, the new 2015 World Champ. The rad Hawaiian has triumphed over Californian shredder Courtney Conologue at the famous right pointbreak of Honolua Bay, Maui.
This is Carissa's 4th World Title and deserved it most certainly is. She absolutely rips.
Congratulations Carissa, you are a deadset legend. And Courtney, likewise. Maybe next year you will taste the sweet nectar...
And to last year's champ (and former 6x champ) Steph Gilmore - may your fibula heal strong, and may the force be with you..always...
Murlbo Baggipantz
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Friday, December 04, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Daily Surf Report - Margaret River
Fun glassy waves this morning.
Surfers' Point - 3-4ft, glassy fun, average sized crowd.
Southside - 3-6ft. Better than Mainbreak today on account of the extra south in the swell (SSW) pushing into it, causing it to bowl up a bit in sections. I even saw a longboarder get barreled out there! A bit crowded, but consistent.
Got a few snaps but left them in my car, will upload them later. In the meantime, here are a couple of gems from North Point last year..

Surfers' Point - 3-4ft, glassy fun, average sized crowd.
Southside - 3-6ft. Better than Mainbreak today on account of the extra south in the swell (SSW) pushing into it, causing it to bowl up a bit in sections. I even saw a longboarder get barreled out there! A bit crowded, but consistent.
Got a few snaps but left them in my car, will upload them later. In the meantime, here are a couple of gems from North Point last year..
Friday, February 20, 2015
S T O R I E S - ARCHIPELAGO - Re-jigged and Continued..
Zoomed in on Google Earth we huddled around, eagerly clutching cold Bintangs, sweating over the keyboard. We could all see it. In the dim warm glow of the citronella lamp we could see it. I was going. I didn’t know about anybody else, but I was definitely going.
In Bali, you hear a lot of whispers. Murmurings of Indonesia’s longest right (there must be at least a couple dozen of those) or some left that makes Desert Point look like Medewi.
Truth is, a lot of the whispers have merit. Sometimes it’ll be a place that is so remote and so fickle that only a handful of surfers will ever get to score it on. Some will travel all that way, stake it out for 2 or 3 weeks and just get totally skunked. Best they had it was 2ft onshore and sectiony. They’ll tell their friends it’s a hoax and neither they nor their friends will ever return…much to the delight of the shiney-eyed weather-beaten searcher who’s totally dialled in to what makes it tick and has lied through his teeth to keep it a secret his whole life.
This is a story about one such wave. We found it on Google Earth, and although it didn’t really look like a good wave from the photo, I thought the potential was there: the shape of the land, the angle of the approaching swells; it looked the goods. Some of the crew were sceptical about whether the swell could get in there. No doubt it would require a decent swell from the right direction, but the waters leading to it were deep. Energy conservation.
We’d been in Bali just over 2 weeks. Me, Jutzy, Bingo and Irish. We’d surfed heaps – from Ulus to Canggu and beyond on the west coast, and even scored a few fun, light onshore sessions at a couple of lesser-known rights on the east coast.
But we’d also partied heaps. It’s Bali. You try to say no; actually your mouth says no – but the rest of you says ‘yes’. And so it is, from Single Fin to Potato Head, from La Favela to Deus Ex Machina and almost everywhere inbetween (yes we went to Sky Garden, it need not be mentioned, and NO we didn’t go to Bounty. Well, some of us did.) we drank, danced, romanced and spent a lot of Aussie Dollars and Euros on having a fucking amazing time to be quite honest.
But that’s over now. We are rock ‘n rolled out. It’s time to get pure, tap into our adventurous sides and get the hell away from this traffic. And get barreled off our respective melons.
So there are four of us.
Myself and Jutzy (aka Jason Juttenthorpe) have secured 2 months worth of paid holiday, so we’re stoked and very relaxed. It’s got a bit of “world is your oyster” type feel about it.
Bingo (Ben Ingleton, PhD), on the other hand, only has 3 more days of hedonistic bliss before he returns to the plush leather swivel chair from whence he came to convince white people that life is actually good. And back into the arms of his loving wife (hello Katina) and his three young grommets who no doubt are enjoying eating their cereal in the living room.
And then there’s Irish. I don’t actually remember his real name, but what I do remember is my first viewing of him, from the beer-soaked floor of a jumping, extremely enthusiastic bar in Donegal. Me propped up on one hand, while the other maintained an iron grip on a cherished pint of Ireland’s darkest and my hip and leg soaked up the hoppy goodness, I craned my neck upwards, knowing I should be heading that way, and what I saw was Irish, up on stage, obstructing views of the band with a gorgeous Japanese girl in one arm, and what appeared to be a leprechaun in the other – which actually turned out to be his mum (sorry Aggie). He was the lord of the dance, and his fleet-footed wonder-strokes left us bedazzled and inspired. Needless to say I inevitably managed to drag my less- than-peak-dancing-form carcass up off the stewy quagmire and leaped straight up at the stage in an effort to, not only support, but indeed augment this more than worthy display of joy, skill and energy. Mid-flight, eyes wide with enthusiasm, I ploughed shin-first into the sharp edge of the wooden stage. I got the other foot up there. But that wasn’t enough. When I fell back, I hit my head and knocked myself out.
After spending the night at the hospital, I awoke not knowing where or exactly who I was. There was just one familiar face googling and grinning at me from the corner of the room. Irish.
“Where the fuck are your friends!? Some fuckin’ friends youuuu’ve got ay!?” That is what he said, and then we became friends.
Irish surfs, and damn well at that. And he charges. Loves the big stuff. He’s got just two weeks left in tropical waters before he’s back to run the pub for his old man.
Game on.
Zoomed in on Google Earth we huddled around, eagerly clutching cold Bintangs, sweating over the keyboard. We could all see it. In the dim warm glow of the citronella lamp we could see it. I was going. I didn’t know about anybody else, but I was definitely going.
In Bali, you hear a lot of whispers. Murmurings of Indonesia’s longest right (there must be at least a couple dozen of those) or some left that makes Desert Point look like Medewi.
Truth is, a lot of the whispers have merit. Sometimes it’ll be a place that is so remote and so fickle that only a handful of surfers will ever get to score it on. Some will travel all that way, stake it out for 2 or 3 weeks and just get totally skunked. Best they had it was 2ft onshore and sectiony. They’ll tell their friends it’s a hoax and neither they nor their friends will ever return…much to the delight of the shiney-eyed weather-beaten searcher who’s totally dialled in to what makes it tick and has lied through his teeth to keep it a secret his whole life.
This is a story about one such wave. We found it on Google Earth, and although it didn’t really look like a good wave from the photo, I thought the potential was there: the shape of the land, the angle of the approaching swells; it looked the goods. Some of the crew were sceptical about whether the swell could get in there. No doubt it would require a decent swell from the right direction, but the waters leading to it were deep. Energy conservation.
We’d been in Bali just over 2 weeks. Me, Jutzy, Bingo and Irish. We’d surfed heaps – from Ulus to Canggu and beyond on the west coast, and even scored a few fun, light onshore sessions at a couple of lesser-known rights on the east coast.
But we’d also partied heaps. It’s Bali. You try to say no; actually your mouth says no – but the rest of you says ‘yes’. And so it is, from Single Fin to Potato Head, from La Favela to Deus Ex Machina and almost everywhere inbetween (yes we went to Sky Garden, it need not be mentioned, and NO we didn’t go to Bounty. Well, some of us did.) we drank, danced, romanced and spent a lot of Aussie Dollars and Euros on having a fucking amazing time to be quite honest.
But that’s over now. We are rock ‘n rolled out. It’s time to get pure, tap into our adventurous sides and get the hell away from this traffic. And get barreled off our respective melons.
So there are four of us.
Myself and Jutzy (aka Jason Juttenthorpe) have secured 2 months worth of paid holiday, so we’re stoked and very relaxed. It’s got a bit of “world is your oyster” type feel about it.
Bingo (Ben Ingleton, PhD), on the other hand, only has 3 more days of hedonistic bliss before he returns to the plush leather swivel chair from whence he came to convince white people that life is actually good. And back into the arms of his loving wife (hello Katina) and his three young grommets who no doubt are enjoying eating their cereal in the living room.
And then there’s Irish. I don’t actually remember his real name, but what I do remember is my first viewing of him, from the beer-soaked floor of a jumping, extremely enthusiastic bar in Donegal. Me propped up on one hand, while the other maintained an iron grip on a cherished pint of Ireland’s darkest and my hip and leg soaked up the hoppy goodness, I craned my neck upwards, knowing I should be heading that way, and what I saw was Irish, up on stage, obstructing views of the band with a gorgeous Japanese girl in one arm, and what appeared to be a leprechaun in the other – which actually turned out to be his mum (sorry Aggie). He was the lord of the dance, and his fleet-footed wonder-strokes left us bedazzled and inspired. Needless to say I inevitably managed to drag my less- than-peak-dancing-form carcass up off the stewy quagmire and leaped straight up at the stage in an effort to, not only support, but indeed augment this more than worthy display of joy, skill and energy. Mid-flight, eyes wide with enthusiasm, I ploughed shin-first into the sharp edge of the wooden stage. I got the other foot up there. But that wasn’t enough. When I fell back, I hit my head and knocked myself out.
After spending the night at the hospital, I awoke not knowing where or exactly who I was. There was just one familiar face googling and grinning at me from the corner of the room. Irish.
“Where the fuck are your friends!? Some fuckin’ friends youuuu’ve got ay!?” That is what he said, and then we became friends.
Irish surfs, and damn well at that. And he charges. Loves the big stuff. He’s got just two weeks left in tropical waters before he’s back to run the pub for his old man.
Game on.
Daily Surf Report - Surfer's Point, Margaret River
The wind was in by the time I got my lazy pantat down there, but it woulda been pumping in the light offshores earlier this morning. Regardless, here are some snaps of a few 8ft mushburgers rolling through at midday today. The kiteys were just gearing up as I took these shots.
Hope you scored wherever you are!

Swell is forecast to drop to 1.4m tomorrow with SSW winds. The swell rises on the weekend but has a lot of south in it, so won't show as much as we'd like. At this stage next Tuesday is looking the best as far as winds go.
Good luck!
Hope you scored wherever you are!
Swell is forecast to drop to 1.4m tomorrow with SSW winds. The swell rises on the weekend but has a lot of south in it, so won't show as much as we'd like. At this stage next Tuesday is looking the best as far as winds go.
Good luck!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
TDN - Teflon Daily News - Feb 11, 2015
* Under the magnifying glass on the ABC's "7.30" show, flailing Australian Treasurer,JOE HOCKEY, declares in defence of last year's outrageous budget: "But we have no choice, we cannot continue to ignore the future."
Can't continue to ignore the future, unless the future includes such petty issues as Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Higher Education for the Average Aussie, Gay Rights, Rights of those who earn less than 80K/yr, Fish in the Sea, Rights and Dignity of those seeking Asylum, Forests.
God save the Queen.

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Can't continue to ignore the future, unless the future includes such petty issues as Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Higher Education for the Average Aussie, Gay Rights, Rights of those who earn less than 80K/yr, Fish in the Sea, Rights and Dignity of those seeking Asylum, Forests.
God save the Queen.

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Monday, February 09, 2015
Friday, February 06, 2015
P O L I T I C S - Tony Abbott Might Lose His Job
A hoo, a ha, ahahaha, ahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahaahaha...oh, oh boy..haha oh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAAAAAA!! Be gone you ridiculous man. And take your ears with you.
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
If you like your thrillers psychological, then I highly recommend this slice of fried gold from writer/director Dan Gilroy. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and is worth watching for his brilliantly creepy performance alone.
The term "nightcrawler" refers to those adventurous, sadistic individuals who spend their nights chasing carnage with a camera in an effort to make a buck selling sensational footage to TV news stations. The more sensational the footage, the more money you get. In short, tragedy and gore sells.
Gyllenhaal is Lou Bloom, a highly motivated, intelligent, manipulative, sometimes comical, sometimes endearing, but always creepy psychopath. The funny thing about this film is that you occasionally catch yourself laughing out loud at Bloom's apparent naieveity and innocence which is so devilishly juxtaposed with his calculating, dangerous reality.
The thing I liked best about this movie is how you can't shake Lou Bloom when you leave the theatre. His character stays with you - eerie quotes returning to haunt you as you try to go about your daily life. And you just can't help wondering whether there is a little bit of Lou Bloom in yourself, or those around you, and that's the scariest bit!
Teflon gives Nightcrawler a whopping 4.9 out of 5 sausages. (we use snags instead of stars. this is non-conformity in action.)
Watch it. Enjoy it. Don't become it.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
S U R F - Ulus 2-8-14
It was bit windy, but had a fun surf out here with my mate Taco this day. Taco scored the wave of his life! Unfortunately the photogs missed it, but the rest of us heard about it for days. If Taco wasn't so stingey*, he would've bought the photos the photogs did get of him and I would've put those in here. But he didn't. Fortunately I'm narcissistic enough to break the budget and go without food for a week just so I can by some photos of myself :)
*Taco's not really stingey.
*Taco's not really stingey.
S U R F - CT Predictions for 2015
1. John-John and Medina are gonna go ballistic and may well fill the top two spots by year's end.
2. Old dogs Kelly and Mick will continue to cause trouble, and could even win another title. Sublime technique and flow like theirs doesn't die easy (see Tom Curren's 10 from J-Bay Legends Series last year for case-in-point).
3. Julian Wilson will finish top ten.
4. Filipe Toledo will amaze, although his results may once again not reflect his skills.
5. Owen Wright will elicit a few ooos, aaaahs and woooaaarrrs as he whips, belts and charges. Might finish top ten.
6. Matt Wilko's backhand at J-Bay will again be likened to Occy's and he will get a hair cut to improve performance. Won't finish top ten.
7. Michel Bourez will finish top ten.
8. Jordy Smith will try to improve in the big stuff. Might finish top ten if he's lucky.
9. Ross Williams will be the WSL's best commentator for the second year running.
10. Tom Carroll will show the young bucks how to surf Pipe again.
Late arvo Mentawai right. Nothing to do with the world tour. Photo by Joey Melroy.
2. Old dogs Kelly and Mick will continue to cause trouble, and could even win another title. Sublime technique and flow like theirs doesn't die easy (see Tom Curren's 10 from J-Bay Legends Series last year for case-in-point).
3. Julian Wilson will finish top ten.
4. Filipe Toledo will amaze, although his results may once again not reflect his skills.
5. Owen Wright will elicit a few ooos, aaaahs and woooaaarrrs as he whips, belts and charges. Might finish top ten.
6. Matt Wilko's backhand at J-Bay will again be likened to Occy's and he will get a hair cut to improve performance. Won't finish top ten.
7. Michel Bourez will finish top ten.
8. Jordy Smith will try to improve in the big stuff. Might finish top ten if he's lucky.
9. Ross Williams will be the WSL's best commentator for the second year running.
10. Tom Carroll will show the young bucks how to surf Pipe again.
Late arvo Mentawai right. Nothing to do with the world tour. Photo by Joey Melroy.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Secret Beach
Happy Australia Day!!
Yes indeed, the sun is shining and there are thousands of kilometres of pumping surf to help you celebrate. If you like fireworks, watch the skies in any major cities or towns tonight and be dazzled. If you don't like fireworks, stay home and watch the tennis - Tricky Nicky is on a rampage!

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Happy New Year 2015! Selamat Tahun Baru 2015!
Sorry it's a bit late, but happy new year everybody! We hope you have a blast. 2015 is shaping up to be best ever (at least top 3).
Enjoy, and remember, you only live once, and you never know when you might fall down an open drain, so make the bloody most of it!
Love Murlbag and Fanzibear xx
Enjoy, and remember, you only live once, and you never know when you might fall down an open drain, so make the bloody most of it!
Love Murlbag and Fanzibear xx
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